Help an old guy out here
To quote Abe Simpson, “I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems weird and scary to me”. This isn’t me exactly but I know that feeling. I’m more “I used to know what was it and largely rejected it, and now I just want to know what the kids are doing these days.”
I say that to mention that a group called themselves the Sidemen played a game for charity against someone called the YouTube All-Stars yesterday. I wouldn’t care, but the Sidemen have 22 million YouTube followers and the match was played at Wembley Stadium. So the kids apparently like this but I had no idea who any of these people are outside of Mr Beast. They looked like they were having a great time though.
So be a pal to an old dude and tell me who your favorite baseball influencer or content creators are. I enjoy some of Jomboy’s work and Pitching Ninja’s stuff, but I was curious what you all are consuming today. It’s not that what the younger generation does is scary, but their life is way more online that it was when I grew up. And 99.9% of social media is Grade A garbage. I consume just enough of it to follow some news and the teams I like.
Hook me up with the good baseball-related stuff. And follow all the Battery Power crew’s socials. Please and thank you.