It happens every single week of college football season in stadiums across our great nation. The ball hasn’t bounced his way, the calls have all gone against him, even the ball boys are on crutches, and his team’s execution has been so bad that the fans quite literally want him executed. The cameras pan to the coach who’s about to lose the game you’re watching and you wonder, perhaps aloud or maybe just to yourself “What must that poor son of a gun be thinking right now?”
Here at Dawg Sports we can’t read minds, but we’re at least conversational in body language. As the clock ticked down Saturday on Georgia’s 34-20 victory over the Florida Gators this was Gator coach Billy Napier:

Melina Myers-Imagn Images
We can’t say for certain what was running through his head, but we have some ideas. Gentle reader, this is what I think Sunbelt Billy may just have been thinking:
a) “Geez, we got that salesman to talk the kid into buying a Lamborghini and quietly arranged a meet-cute with a model who convinced him to adopt a puppy. I don’t know what else we can do to distract Beck before he starts suspecting something.”
b) “You tell Urban Meyer if he’s got so dang many ideas about how to do this job he can come take it back. NO WAIT I WAS JUST JOKING!!!”
c) “These special teams are indeed special, but not in the way I was hoping.”
d) “Wait, is Kirby mouthing ‘Call me!’ across the field to Lagway? I thought we were friends!”
Feel free to drop your own submissions in the comments, and…
Go ‘Dawgs!!!