We’ve all seen it. The moment at the end of a hard fought SEC football game when the television cameras focus in on the losing coach. The race is run, the battle is all but done, and his boys have fallen short despite their best efforts.
“Huh” you think, “I wonder what that poor sapsucker is thinking right now?”
This is where we answer that question. Folks, this is a photo of Auburn head coach Hugh Freeze during the waning moments of his squad’s 31-13 loss to Kirby Smart’s Georgia Bulldogs:

Dale Zanine-Imagn Images
What was Hugh Freeze thinking?
a) “Have I blamed Peyton Thorne‘s dog for a loss yet? Because that might be the way to go this afternoon.”
b) “The good news is that when we get to six losses we’ll be at a number higher than most of our fans can count to.”
c) “If they hadn’t taken away my cell phone, I would call that Diego Pavia kid right now.”
d) “Lord, why must you test your servant so? Actually no, don’t answer that. I’m not sure this is a secure line.”
Feel free to insert your suggestions from the mind of Hughey Giancarlo Freeze in the comments, and…
Go ‘Dawgs!!!