What’s the fan outlook towards Atlanta United going into the season? We want to hear from you.
Preseason is in full swing for Atlanta United, and as players get accustomed to one another and shake off rust, we begin to set high expectations for the regular season. And while the staff at Dirty South Soccer have already shared our Atlanta United outlooks going into the 2024 season (which you can find here, by the way: https://www.dirtysouthsoccer.com/2024/1/16/24036756/dirty-south-soccer-staff-predictions-for-atlanta-united-in-2024#comments), we’re not experts. So, what better than to ask the real experts, the fans?
Below is a 7-question Google Form that you can answer to make your predictions for Atlanta’s 2024 season. A follow-up post will be made to review the overall results and to highlight the best responses and boldest takes. Ever wanted to feature in a DSS article? Now you can! You can also discuss your predictions in the comments section.
Here is the form! It can be answered anonymously or with your DSS username:
Thank you for your participation!